Sunday, April 24, 2005

Viva Las Vegas

Nikki B.

If Only it Was the Drugs

So anyone who has been following my hebs probably knows that I haven’t been having the greatest week. Anyone who actually knows me knows that my week has been much worse than my hebs have let on. If you haven’t been reading my hebs, don’t worry. I will set the scenario for you.
It was 5:30ish on Friday afternoon. I knocked back a couple of codeine and had just fallen asleep in my bedroom at my best friend’s house (long story for a different heb.) My tonsils were still swollen to the point of not being able to swallow my own spit and my mind was completely selfishly focused.
I heard my cell phone ring next to my head; always a pleasant wake-up call. I looked at the number: some crazy area code I had never heard of. I thought about hitting the silence button and rolling over, but I had already ignored one phone call from the same number that day.
I answered the phone to hear my mothers voice and instantly regretted answering. She had told me that she was going to meet one of her new boyfriend’s friends in Maryland and I didn’t really want to hear about every freaking place they had visited.
She asked how I was feeling. I told her that I couldn’t talk and that I was trying to sleep. She said that she was sorry to hear that, but that she had to tell me something.
She then in her oblivious happy voice that I have heard so many times before started to tell me about her trip. It turns out that it was quite the trip. She didn’t go to Maryland, she went to Las Vegas. My extremely naïve mother decided to elope and had to wake me up from a Codeine nap to tell me. Can anyone say midlife crisis.
I haven’t been that mad at her in a long time. She can marry whoever the hell she wants, but this was ridiculous. My mother hasn’t been dating this guy for a whole four months.
It didn’t really hit me until I hung up the phone, just how little I knew about this guy. I immediately burst into tears. That was the first time in my life that I have ever really considered my mother irrational. I didn’t even know her new last name. I instantly had two step brothers. I have only met one of them. One is nine and the other is eleven. I didn’t even know the eleven-year-olds name.
I knew that she would marry the guy. I just didn’t realize that it would be half as soon as it was. I thought maybe I would have a chance to get to know him. Hell, she doesn’t even know him. You can’t know someone in four months, no matter how much time you spend together in those months.
Call me a skeptic of love in the first place, but I think that there is a difference in loving someone and being in love in with someone. Maybe it is possible to love someone in four months, but you can’t be in love with someone you don’t know. It is near impossible to be in love with someone you have known for a year.
Honestly, I don’t care how she screws up her own life. It is all hers to make mistakes with. The only thing that I am really worried about is my little brother. How stupid is it to involve children into irrational behavior. My brother has no say in who my mother marries, but it will greatly affect his life. How intelligent is it to make a man you don’t know a permanent fixture in your child’s life.
If it was anyone else and I wasn’t hurt by the situation and my brother wasn’t involved, I think that I would find it pretty comical. What is even more funny than the story itself is a crazy thought that ran through my head on Saturday. I was sitting talking to my best friend’s mother about my mother. All of a sudden, I looked at her and said “Wouldn’t it be funny if the whole thing about my mother was all a Codeine enhanced dream.” Needless to say, she made me check my caller Id.


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